Alternate German Colonial Empire Part 2

How could have Germany done better in the Scramble for Africa?

After reading all of the treaties German signed with Britain and France I'm pretty sure they were punching below there weight.
I'm certain that they could have found away to expand German Southwest Africa in to the Orange river and basin and the Zambezi River basin. Or keep there Protectorate over Uganda if they really wanted to. Carl Peters signed several treaties with Ugandan kings in early 1890 before the British did.

A more unlikely sinario is that Bismarck gets the Solmali Coast from Italy in exchange for recognizing Italian plans in Albania, the Ionian Sea, and Aegean Sea in the future.

A more likely sinario is that Wilhelm II convincing Caprivi or Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst to get Morocco before France does.

What do you think I'm open to any discussions.
They could have worked out a deal with the British to divide up parts of Portuguese Angola and Mozambique. In otl, the British strong armed Portugal into giving them the land that became Zambia and Zimbabwe.
As much as its tempting to look to how they might achieve this by being more bastardly than OTL, I'd rather picture how they might do it with kindness and positive influence on Africans.
Focusing on how things are different only among Europeans is mostly telling the same story all over again.
They could have worked out a deal with the British to divide up parts of Portuguese Angola and Mozambique. In otl, the British strong armed Portugal into giving them the land that became Zambia and Zimbabwe.
That is possible German colonialist created the Angolabund in 1899 with the intention of Germany getting Angola and Britain getting Mozambique.
They could have worked out a deal with the British to divide up parts of Portuguese Angola and Mozambique. In otl, the British strong armed Portugal into giving them the land that became Zambia and Zimbabwe.
There is also the possibility of not only Morocco but also Madagascar Germany could gain since Framce was in a very bad stop after the Franco Prussian War.
They stay out of it and decide that colonising Africa is a waste of money
Bismarck couldn't control it though
Carl Peters basically claimed Tanzania, Kenya, Zanzabar, Rwanda, Burundi, and Uganda for the German East Africa Company. Franz Lüderitz thought Namibia had the best climate and natural resources perfect for ethic German settlers. Which is why he wanted more territory in the Orange River and the Zambezi River.

Obviously Bismarck would had to give away Kenya and Zanzabar for Heligoland. But if he really wanted he could have kept Uganda for the Germans and more territory on the Zambezi like Northern Rhodesia since it didn't have a charter till 1891.

But like you said Bismarck didn't care for colonies and when Wilhelm II found out that we was planning to sell Namibia to the British that was the last straw. He forced Bismarck to resign.
There is also the possibility of not only Morocco but also Madagascar Germany could gain since Framce was in a very bad stop after the Franco Prussian War.
A Wilhelm the 2nd more interested in colonialsm could have madigascar seized in1896 instead of the French or germany could have a prince marry the Queen of Madigascar in 1883 making it a protectorate? maybe the French and British dispute over the region decides to have madigascar given to Germany a 3rd party?