Machine gun fire remains undefeated against elan. Of course, France will just try harder next time, I'm totally sure that will be the ticket to success.
.....The germans are already about to break. Just one more push and France will be victorious.

Machine guns? No it was lack of morale that held French troops back just as cardona proves
Nonsense, the French already proved that they are better than those failed confederates....
Well here comes the meat grinder. If we’re lucky Stephanie Clement gets shot by a German in the event he vists the troops
He'll make it to the end of the war if only to see Belgium get....well, crushed, for lack of a better word.
Wonder what this does for French Mindset, knowing that they can't blame degenerate secular republican modernism - who gets to own natalism as a political issue? The secular left? The colonial lobby? More moderate conservatives of the Anglophile or (quietly) Germanophile variety? Even more ultramontaine Catholics?

Definitely opens up the "we have become...... a people confused" space
Well the non ultra-montaine Catholics for only have 4 kids rather than 12 kids? I wonder what "Every Sperm is Sacred" sounds like in French...
The Treacherous Teutons once again display their utter lack of martial vim hiding behind their lowly fortifications and digging into their mud pits like the barbarians they are. The men of France the heirs of Caesar and soldiers of Christ will surely prevail.