
  1. Manstein leads Operation Barbarossa

    Erich von Manstein devised the Manstein Plan which won the Western front in weeks. Anticipating a firm Allied reaction should the main thrust of the invasion take place through the Netherlands, Manstein devised an innovative operation to invade France – later known as the Sichelschnitt ("sickle...
  2. Ideas (To Regain Your Lost Shadows: A Better U.S. Response To Holocaust Refugees):

    It’s real nice sharing ideas on alternate history. I do procrastinate quite a lot and don’t want to have historical inaccuracies on ITTL events, which makes it hard to write on things that aren’t my special interests even though they play a part in what is essentially a pet project that is one...
  3. To Regain Your Lost Shadows: A Better U.S. Response To Holocaust Refugees
    Threadmarks: Introduction - Freak Accident (May-June 1935)

    This is officially my first attempt at an alternate history (which I have been thinking about for quite a long time); if there’s anything I might need help with (especially with historical accuracy), feel free to collaborate and assist with editing. Excerpt from The New York Times...
  4. WI: State Department Secretary and Italy Ambassador Breckinridge Long dies suddenly in 1935?

    This is going to have a huge effect on the timeline: Breckinridge Long dies suddenly (be it a freak accident, unexplained death while sleeping, stray mob bullet, etc.) in 1935 during his tenure at the State Department. Considering Long’s anti-immigrant policies, could it lead to an improved...
  5. Another U-boat thread.

    Got tired of trying to keep up with the other two U-boat threads, as they seem to be getting much in the way of replies, but little progress on the topic of more, faster U-boats getting built. In this thread, I'd really just like to take a look at what was being built (or attempting to be...
  6. America returns to isolationism after World War II

    Henry Wallace is retained on the platform in 1944 and becomes POTUS in 1945 after FDR dies. He promptly withdraws all American troops from Europe and Asia in 1945 (if you still believe this is implausible, read his 1948 Progressive Party platform), cuts spending and numbers of the US Armed...
  7. What if Hitler sacked Goebbels after the Baarova Affair?

    Dr. Joseph Goebbels was a notorious womanizer with a multitude of affairs, with the most infamous example being with the Czech actress Lida Baarova. Now Hitler has excused bad behavior from his close subordinates before, particularly with Julius Streicher and Hermann Esser. But there were two...
  8. durante

    "British" Taiwan post-1945

    There are many other threads on this topic, all quite interesting but with slightly different ideas. My main question is, if Britain (it doesn't have to be Britain, it could be another European colonial power, but I find Britain the most likely IOTL) had acquired Taiwan/Formosa as a colony, in...
  9. US ASW offshore platforms, 1917-1939.

    This thread is about something that has been cluttering up the back of my mind for some time, and @phx1138 recently started an excellent thread about something I never heard of before, called OTEC, which, among other things, gives off shore platforms the ability to use the heat differential from...
  10. Plausibility of a neutral Romania during WW2

    On June 26, 1940 Romania was presented with an ultimatum to cede Besserabia and Northern Bukovina to the Soviet Union, or risk war. Apparently Carol II wanted to resist but was convinced by his cabinet and the German and Italian ambassadors otherwise. Following this, as well as the Fall of...
  11. Blog: Alternative Forces of WWII

    https://alternativeforcesofwwii.blogspot.com Seems to have run only for 2015-2018, but what a wealth of content. Posting here so its existence may be archived on AH.com
  12. WI: Operation Downfall Succeeded

    Would have South Japan and North Japan Divided instead West Germany and East Germany? Would have Anime, Manga and Light Novel Never Exist? Would Have South and North Japan Reunification instead West Germany and East Germany Reunification 1990? Would Have Soviet Invaded Korea? Would Kuomintang...
  13. The VHB-17 thread.

    A silly idea really, but I have been wondering for some time about making a thread that explores heavier bombers than those built, but in a very strange way. The idea is, to make a "Very Heavy" version of US bomber aircraft, starting in 1934, for anything that actually get bought and put into...
  14. USS Yorktown not abandoned, version 3.0

    Haven't revisited this in some time, even though I have known for some time about the one key mistake that actually caused the USS Yorktown to have been mistakenly abandoned during the battle of Midway, on June 4th, 1942. Here are links to the first two threads, so folks can follow the prior...
  15. Doolittle Raid scrubbed, where does TF 16 go instead?

    Ok, so, for whatever reason, say Nimitz or his bosses cancel the upcoming Doolittle Raid, before task force 16 heads west of PH/Oahu, and the carriers instead just ferry the army bombers to Oahu or Midway instead. Historically, TF 11 (USS Lexington), TF 16 (USS Enterprise & USS Hornet) and TF...
  16. MeatPowers

    The German-Czechoslovak War of 1938

    Hitler annexes Austria! MARCH 25, 1938 On the night of March 12, Hitler marched his Heer, the German army, across the border of Austria. The Nazi forces were met with little resistance as they marched to and occupied Vienna. The very next day, the Nazis held a referendum in Austria to determine...
  17. Anarchist Germany (1933-1945)

    In this alternate history, Hitler never comes into contact with the Nazi party, and is instead sent to spy on the German Anarchist party, where he becomes the Generalkommissar of the party. The party's ideology includes taking over the war, killing everyone but Germans, removing human made...
  18. Aztekk

    WANTED: WWII Documentary

    I don't know if this is the right place. But I swear I wouldn't be doing this if I weren't desperate. I'm looking for a WWII documentary I saw long ago but since lost to time. Somehow, I think the title was something similar to 'WWII in Numbers' ( it is NOT the 2019 generic doc ), but it is...
  19. AHC: Design the best Anti-Commerce program post WWI.

    Can Anit- Commerce Warfare work in post WWI? So some things, Auxiliary Cruisers, Submarines, Aircraft/Aircraft carriers, and surface warships designed for the purpose are all fair game. This thread is for a comprehensive look at a dedicated program, not just a ship or two, for a sortie or two...
  20. Domz

    Could the Ottoman Empire have feasibly survived until today?

    Considering how much attention is directed towards the Ottoman Empire long decline in the face of European industrialization and supposed Ottoman stagnation, the fact that the Ottoman Empire made it to 1922 is quite astonishing. Had it not joined WWI, chances were the Europeans couldn't have...